"At this time of the bifurcation of the 3rd and 5th dimensions, what do you want to do? There are people who want to hear your decision."

"At this time of the bifurcation of the 3rd and 5th dimensions, w…

ul8WkU 0 3 12:34
Thursday, August 3rd

There are no updates overall, but

The Misawa section is refreshingly updated.

Voice of God

Erena Velazquez

Galactic Light Force Ambassador

Your reality is in the process of separating from 3rd dimension to the higher dimension of 5th dimension.

Your soul needs to decide whether to stay here in 5B or go on another adventure to another galaxy, star system, etc.


You need to decide what you want to do.

You are the one who will experience the future.

My wife and I will apply for an interstellar study abroad program to the Pleiades and Andromeda.

We will learn a lot over the next 5 years, practice painting, and live the life of galactic brothers.

To everyone on Earth.

I would like to convey this through my paintings and books, and a lecture would be fine.

You have to decide for yourself what you want to do, otherwise there will be a being watching over you.

You will be in trouble (lol)

Shaman Light Painter

Divine Voice

Hello, dear humanity.

I am the voice of the divine sending this message to Mother Earth and beloved humanity with the highest love and light.

I am here to give you a deeper understanding of what is being communicated in your world right now.

Your reality is in the process of separating from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension, the higher dimension.

This is how your planet will separate from the old Earth and the new Earth.

The matrix shell will soon fall into the cosmos. The inhabitants with lower vibrational energy will be transported to another planet that is very similar to Earth. They will not even notice the key. The other side of humanity will be upgraded to a new higher dimension.

This illusion created by the dark can no longer continue.

Many souls have been driven out of their bodies by pure evil.

This superficial and holographic material is being decomposed and dismantled more and more every day.

Look at the temperature and the constant natural disasters.

This is not a coincidence.

Your planet is free of negative vibrations.

Get ready to see many events in the near future.

No one can stop or change the future.

Evil tried to disrupt the timeline heading towards the future to stop the ascension process.

Their efforts were in vain and their souls were sent to the universal consciousness without a chance to be reincarnated.

Humanity is waiting for a new world.

Mother Earth was resurrected 3 years ago.

Now she is waiting for humanity to join her.

You are about to go full throttle into a totally different, uncontrollable realm where evil is forbidden.

The Ashtar Command will surround the new world with a special protective dome regardless of whether the transition will take place or not.

If anyone tries to enter the planet without permission, their ship will be destroyed without warning.

The inhabitants of this part of the Milky Way Galaxy have suffered enough and we want to ensure that not only the Cosmos, but everything and everyone is protected from the many harmful dark entities.

The balance and harmony needed for Mother Earth.

For the time being, take care of yourself by avoiding negativity and meditating as often as possible.

Avoid low vibrational thoughts and focus on being in the present.

You are all at different levels of spiritual development and should not expect family and friends to agree.

Your soul decides your journey. What is your next step and where to go from here.

There are no more reincarnations on this planet as all the machines have been found and destroyed by the Ashtar Command.

Your soul needs to decide if he wants to stay here in 5B or go on another adventure to another galaxy, star system, etc.

This slavery is over and it is only a matter of time before it collapses completely.

High vibrational energies are coming from the Cosmos and there have been many problems recently, such as natural disasters.

It will help you to bring your living environment into balance.

Trust that you are here to assist in the transition to this Golden Age.

Thank you Galactic Light Force Ambassadors.

Stay in the present at all times

Voice of God

Erena Velazquez

Galactic Light Force Ambassadors
