October 2, 2022
Most of these are reposts from the past
Public documents are
Even statistics are falsified
Blacked out
Whitened out
Not made public
In everything, this
Bills are submitted with a full load
Forced through without deliberation
The existence of the Diet is a distant memory
Moritaka, Sakura, Abenomask, Kawai support pose
It all smells of illicit funds
More than 70 trillion yen in foreign aid
During the Panama Papers, Panama received 200 billion yen in support for monorail
Destruction of Japanese agriculture and dairy farming
Foreign capital is allowed to enter, and food self-sufficiency declines
Legal preparations for foreign capital entry in casinos
Plan to include tap water in foreign capital
All are treasonous policies aimed at illicit funds
And the election system is
Private company Musashi dispatches personnel
Secretly counting the votes
Secretly counting the votes
Such an abnormal election counting system is rare in the world!
The most advanced election fraud system in the world
The emotional certainty of election fraud
The Abe LDP administration does not care about popularity at all
So what is the reason for the LDP's victory? They are devoting a lot of energy to creating it
It is too unnatural to say that the Abe (LDP) administration, which has only committed fraud and told only lies, has not committed any fraud when it comes to the election vote counting and tallying, which can be done in secret
Why is the election (probably) going ahead in a situation that seems to be unfavorable to the LDP at first glance?
There is a clear scenario
Voting has nothing to do with the number of votes?
In the past
There were many accusations of election fraud that could not be denied
It was pursued in the Diet
It's only natural to ignore them all
Recently, accusations of election fraud have almost disappeared
Domination, perfection